Investment opportunity

Dear Coin and Coinettes,
It is time. After several heated and sometimes arousing meetings in the Ned we have struck a deal to relaunch More Lash craft lager...this time we are raising investment and going for global domination. We are launching it as part of a mega merger/joint venture with some good chaps with great lids at a successful drink’s company called Tribeology Ltd. I have seen their AMEX points statement and can tell by their rigs that in between massive business deals they also throw lots of tin around in the gym. As for the beer itself, it’s bigger, bolder & better, relaunching with a fresh chassis tune up and new recipe. If you don’t have lots of coin, play hockey or live in Putney stop reading. If you are all 3, please LEAVE this page. If you’re sitting on a pile of coin and have been smashing it in the city and want to hear more about this opportunity please fill out the form below to receive the investor proposal. The minimum investment is £5k so I am quietly confident people from Putney won’t be bothering us, don’t let me down. NB: We are a quarter of the way through our target of £600k and the investment window ends at the end of Oct.
Love and champagne,
Archie Curzon
Archie Curzon CEO of Clapham
Please specify in the comments section which level of investment are you interested in?
£5-10k - £11-25k - £26-50k - £50k+


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